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How to use your own article numbers

(February 2007)

In addition to the Lederer number, every article in the Lederer Shop can be provided with your own article number. If you use this number, the article in question can be called up much more quickly (and for you simply):

Instead of entering the norm, material, size, etc. in the search mask, just enter the article number that is known to you there and it will be shown in the hit list (if the humber entered is incomplete or shortened, all of the articles containing this input are displayed; in this way several articles can be called up at the same time). This number can be called up only by you and is, needless to say, not accessible to other Shop users!

If your article numbers are not yet present in our system (and consequently cannot yet be called up), there are two ways of using them for the Lederer Shop:

  • You enter your article numbers yourself
    In the hit list or in the product details, fill out the field
    with your item number and click on change
  • Lederer takes care of data maintenance for you:
    You send us a list (in Excel) of your own article numbers
    and we transfer the data into our system. To enable the
    numbers to be matched with the right articles, this list
    must also contain the respective Lederer numbers, or at least
    a clear product identification, e.g. "DIN 933, A2, M8x120,
    slotted or type, material, size, special features).
    "Screw M8" will unfortunately not suffice.

Incidentally ..
your article numbers at Lederer need not confine themselves to numerals: (large) letters, hyphens and back and forward slashes, commas, dots and other characters are also allowed.
(Only ? * # should be avoided, as these are often used as placeholders or for search functions.)